Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Duck Ass Award

There is a segment to my show that I wish to do on a weekly basis called The Duck Ass Award. A segment that needs a sponsor by the way.
What is a duck ass? We have all seen a duck feeding, head underwater, ass in the air and oblivious to what's going on around it. Well, drivers, riders or anyone that act like they have their head under water will end up doing something stupid. That is a Duck Ass.

The Duck Ass has been in my family for some time. When we moved to Winnipeg my mother hated the city. Rather than swear in front of us kids she would call people she did not like a duck ass. "That stupid Manitoba duck ass!" was an oft heard phrase.
It became popular with some of the other neighbours that, so much so that when we moved, they had a mallard hen's rear mounted on a plaque by a taxidermist (upside down of course). Thus the official Duck Ass was born.

One year my mom was on a cleaning rampage and was about to throw it out. I just happened to be over for a visit and said "Don't you dare!"
I had always found it an amusing conversation piece and moved it to my place. Once I created The Planet Tour it was a perfect fit as an award for stupid behaviour, especially if it resulted in an accident or if it had the potential to become a disaster. That is how The Duck Ass Award came to be.
What I ask of my viewers is for example of a Duck Ass on our roads. If you have video and/or pictures showing the results of a Duck Ass move or a Duck Ass throwing caution to the wind I want to see them.
Just email us at

Be safe out there and don't be a Duck Ass
- Daryl Makk