Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My last few hours in Newfoundland are ticking away as I wait for the ferry. My visit to this most eastern and unique province was too short and probably not at the best time of year. September gets chilly and wet on Da Rock and because of that my chances to do any site seeing were limited mostly to the Trans Canada Highway and what I could see from there.
Even so it was a fun time. The Newfies, as they liked to be called, are some of the warmest, friendliest people on earth when they are in their happy place. No place seems to make them happier than being in Newfoundland itself. Because of this their enjoyment of home and their life is contagious.
I found myself doing things I wouldn't normally do in other provinces, breaking personal rules and not feeling any danger whatsoever.

Unable to find a campground still open near Cornerbrook, a local man invited me to set up my tent in his yard which was behind a pub.
"There's going to be a party tonight in the bar, come join us!" he enthusiastically said. Since it was getting dark and I had no where else to go I thought "Why not?". This tour is more about the adventure of finding something out of the ordinary and camping behind a bar certainly fit the bill.

In Grand Falls, after the show, I partied with strangers who took me out on the town and let me stay at their place. Well, in their shed. It sounds weird but believe me it was great. These are not like the 'sheds' back home, all filled with earthy smelling garden implements. No. These are like little guest cottages minus any plumbing. "Just water da bushes if you need to in the wee hours." I was told. Okay.

The fine folks in Buchans  were a lot of fun. Given the fact they live in a mining town that went thru hard times and exists where the paved road ends their behaviour is more like that of someone who lives in a tropical paradise. I parked my motorcycle on the sidewalk because that's what you do in Buchans.

It was they that honored me by getting me "screeched in"and making me an honorary Newfie myself. The ritual was fun, comical and heartwarming. Repeating a verse I can barely remember, kissing a cod and slamming back a shot of Screech, a throat warming, extra strong rum that gets your blood flowing!

 I was also treated to a Jigs dinner, which was a belly filling,  traditional Newfie meal. It was awesome!

Some of the things I did here would seem odd anywhere else, Here on Da Rock people are so laid back and non judgemental that it seemed normal. In fact they just greet you when you poke your head out of your tent in the morning as they pass by going to work....like it happens all the time!
I look forward to my next visit here and a bit more time to explore.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What to do next? What to do first?

I had fully intended to have a few more video episodes online by this point in my trip. The logistical obstacles I've encountered are as follows. Keep in mind this is not intended to be a "Poor me" story, I am just saying it the way it is.
1) Time. After riding and/or doing a show my time (plus energy) is not always there. Currently I am wearing many hats and doing most of the work myself.
2) Glitches. Maybe its my disdain for how they make computers faster yet they are not more reliable or perhaps I am one of those people that produce electromagnetic waves that interfere with electronics. The past two episodes I made were close to completion when suddenly sound tracks would go out of sync or stop working altogether. ARRGGHHH!! I have had to redo them both at a great time expense. iMovie (which I am currently using as my editing software) has some problems and they don't seem too busy over at Apple on fixing them.
What I need is new software or better yet, an editor that can travel with me so I can concentrate on the other stuff like a daily blog, pics, newsletters, shooting video and of course the comedy. Trying to add video editing into my task list (combined with travel weariness) just seems elusive at times. If you have ever done video editing you know its an art unto itself. Add glitches and it makes it very frustrating.
I also bought a new portable Hard Drive that has been acting up but have not had the time to take it back. Faster, not more reliable.
A ghost a work? you can see thru me on this one
Currently I have been searching forums for the fix to my iMovie woes and seem to have that bug  sort of , kind of worked out. I should have a new episode out soon.
I will be making them shorter to ease the editing burden and to keep iMovie happy. In its inferior state it gets cranky when videos pass the 5 minute mark.

As always my brains asks "What to do next?". Tonight I decided after a day spent riding in rain, waiting in a picnic shelter for almost 2 hours waiting for said rain to stop, that my brain was not able to accept video editing stress so this blog won out as the task to work on tonight.
A more "focused" me, working by lantern at night

Often that is more my method, "What do I have energy to do today?" What I have now begun to do  on this trip is to take more pictures of unusual places and things. This blog will be about those. iMovie and the next video can sit one more day.

Beach at "The Ovens"
Last night I had a very cool campsite at at place called "The Ovens" which is a privately owned natural park in Nova Scotia. My campsite was perched upon a tree covered cliff with the sound of surf crashing below. I felt like I had the 3-D version of a subliminal motivation or relaxation CD.
This area was part of a gold rush in the late 1800s when gold was discovered along the coast in these caves dubbed 'The Ovens". There is a very pleasant self-guided walking tour along the coastline where you can view these caves and actually enter some. A must see if you are in the area.
My camp by day

I'm always intrigued by places like this especially when you are allowed to self explore. Guided hikes move too slow for me... or too fast depending on what we are examining at the time. For the caves I set my own pace and snapped a few pics and shot some video, which I will fight with in iMovie later.

There is also a cool cafe that serves awesome food for a very reasonable price, especially considering the view it came with. The Atlantic Ocean with a bank of fog several miles offshore back lit by the setting sun. Add food and beer, all this was had for under 30 bucks.They also had live music at night from some very talented local artists.
I never would have found this place had I not bumped into a pair of motorcycle couples that insisted it was THE place to camp. They were almost pushy but then, they were right.
For a flat lander camping by the ocean is a treat. The crash of the surf, the smell of the salt and, in this case, the far off fog that loiters in the area. It actually came inland in the morning to give me
Checking out one of "The Ovens"

my full maritime experience.

The choice of cool campsites was a struggle as being their after summer's last long weekend meant I pretty much had my pick. I chose the one on the cliff rather than one seaside as I felt it offered more weather protection. Rain was in the forecast for the next day.

Inside the cave
Had there been a clearer forecast I would have stayed 2 nights. Later that night the rain came to prove the weather man correct. By morning it had stopped and just hung like a thick dew as a morning fog slowly crept back out to sea.
I was treated to a bit of sun for an hour and used that to break camp while things were dry.
I had a warm bed in Halifax waiting and that won out over huddling in a nylon dome for what was about to become a very rainy day.

This is my first long spell of days off and as Murphy would have it, coolish and damp. So much for camping and time to visit old pals so Halifax is where I am parked.

Don't forget to check out the latest Episode #13. I will have #14 up soon.
Thanks for stopping in,
Cheers, Daryl Makk

After dinner drink. Wish you could see this for real.

Moose antlers made into art

Foggy beach looking back toward my camp area

Caveman dumbells?

Travel by motorcycle and at times you feel small!